Rave Reviews

“Jennifer is beautifully grounded, welcoming, honest and it is a gift to be blessed with her presence. I feel very fortunate to have received her guidance from her gifts and to witness the dedication Jennifer has towards galactic cosmology. I was blown away with the accuracy of the report with how it spoke to my life. It is calming to have confirmation on how certain events have played out in my life and what is to come. Much! Gratitude”


“My galactic reading with Jennifer was extremely informative and healing on multidimensional levels. 

Learning about my star heritage has opened new doors to my ascension! My connection with my galactic family has been expanding and extremely activating. I have also been able to pinpoint where to work on myself to reach my highest frequency and heal karmic patterns with more clarity.

The reading was organized and easy to understand. The information flowed through me, activating many dormant energies within me.

I am abundantly grateful for this reading and the healing that came along with it! Mahalo Jennifer!”


“The  galactic astrology report Jennifer made for me was so well done!! One major star system I knew my connection to and the other was like a key I felt helped me unlock deeper layers of my connection to the stars and galaxy. I feel very supported by the care put into the reading. I love the way she explained everything and different traits to be aware of. I really resonated with the reading.  I‘ve been connecting with the energy of Virgo in this season and the other star system was Star in the Virgo constellation! Thank you so much for the heart and care you put into this!”


“I just finished the first reading of the very thoughtful and insightful Galactic report you created. I loved it and especially appreciated all of your insights and interpretations. There were many parts that really touched my heart. It was a very emotional and intuitive experience reading it which is exactly what I needed and wanted.”


I’ve been fortunate in my life to have learned to trust the process. I feel especially fortunate to have been introduced to the work of Julia Balaz re Galactic Astrology. Not wanting to miss out on knowledge of self that had not yet been revealed, I took an opportunity to connect with Jennifer Marie. Her report was very thorough and while it took me weeks to process, our phone conversation helped clarify some important questions I had. Since that time, I have experienced greater confidence along my path. I continue to learn and grow, and experience gratitude for my personal “enfoldment”.


What is Galactic Astrology?

Galactic astrology is a unique approach to astrology that incorporates the study of celestial bodies and phenomena beyond our solar system, including stars, galaxies, and cosmic energies. Unlike traditional astrology, which primarily focuses on the positions and movements of planets within our solar system, galactic astrology expands the scope to consider the influence of distant stars, constellations, and even black holes on individual personalities and life events.

This approach often involves mapping the positions of stars and galaxies at the time of a person’s birth to interpret their cosmic influences. Practitioners of galactic astrology believe that these celestial energies can offer insights into a person’s spiritual journey, soul purpose, and evolutionary path. It’s considered a more expansive and spiritually oriented form of astrology, connecting individuals to the broader cosmos and their place within it.

Galactic astrology may also incorporate ancient wisdom, metaphysical principles, and intuitive insights to provide a holistic understanding of an individual’s cosmic blueprint. It’s a fascinating and evolving field that seeks to deepen our understanding of the interconnectedness between the microcosm of our lives and the macrocosm of the universe.

What is Quantum Soul Guidance?

Quantum Soul Guidance is a holistic approach to personal and spiritual growth that integrates principles from quantum physics, metaphysics, and spirituality to help individuals connect with their inner wisdom and navigate their life path. It’s based on the idea that the principles of quantum mechanics can be applied to understanding consciousness, the nature of reality, and the interconnectedness of all things.

In Quantum Soul Guidance, practitioners often work with clients to explore the deeper aspects of their consciousness, including past lives, soul contracts, and multidimensional experiences. Through various techniques such as meditation, energy healing, intuitive guidance, and quantum visualization, individuals are guided to access their inner knowing and align with their highest potential.

This approach recognizes that individuals are not only physical beings but also energetic and spiritual beings, and seeks to address all aspects of their being to facilitate healing, growth, and transformation. Quantum Soul Guidance may involve exploring concepts such as quantum entanglement, non-local consciousness, and the power of intention to create positive change in one’s life.

Overall, Quantum Soul Guidance offers a framework for individuals to deepen their understanding of themselves, their purpose, and their connection to the universe, empowering them to live authentically and in alignment with their soul’s journey.

Jennifer’s Intentions

I believe that Galactic Astrology and Quantum Soul Guidance hold the power to illuminate your inherent qualities, untapped gifts, and potential strengths, guiding you to align with your heart’s desires, elevate your truest self, and live a purpose-driven life with confidence as your Quantum Galactic Soul fulfills its earthly mission.

Through Galactic guidance, you’ll unearth the keys and codes you’ve been seeking, revealing your cosmic origins and the supportive cosmic connections that await you. This journey will expand your consciousness, empowering you to take positive steps towards creating a life of fulfillment for yourself and those around you.

My exploration of Galactic Astrology alongside Julia Balaz has been truly transformative. Integrating Quantum Soul Guidance and Galactic Astrology into my practice has added depth and power to my work. Each day, I am inspired anew, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to support my clients on their journey. I feel deeply grateful for the connection with the beautiful souls who entrust me with this sacred work.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance


This session is tailored for those curious about their individual galactic blueprint. During your consultation call, you’ll receive a concise overview and have the opportunity to ask questions. When completing your application, feel free to provide as much detail as you desire and list any inquiries you may have. Your thoroughness in this process ensures that my study of your chart is focused on your specific interests. Common discussion topics include starseed origins, affinity with specific star systems, past incarnations, potential life challenges, and strategies for balancing these challenges. For those eager to delve deeper into their Galactic Astrology Chart and harness its transformative potential, I highly recommend exploring enrollment in my Online Mentoring Program.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance

Mini Written Reports

These written reports are crafted with care for those seeking to reconnect with their galactic heritage and quantum essence gradually, one step at a time. Integration plays a pivotal role in the journey of self-discovery and self-mastery. As you embark on this path, trust your intuition to guide you. Whether you’re drawn to explore one report at a time or delve into multiple simultaneously, honor what resonates with you. These reports serve as catalysts for the awakening process, evoking memories from the past and bringing forth new awareness and energies. Should you find yourself in need of additional support to navigate the energetic and emotional aspects of this journey, consider applying for a Quantum Soul Healing session. Your well-being and growth are paramount, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.


Delve into the depths of your being and rediscover your true essence by exploring your ancient galactic past. This transformative experience will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you remember who you truly are at your core. Embrace your cosmic heritage and unlock the wisdom of your soul.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance


Uncover the intricate web of your galactic connections and how they shape your relationships. This insightful offering delves into the cosmic influences that impact your interactions with others, offering valuable insights and guidance. Gain a deeper understanding of your relational dynamics and unlock the potential for profound connections.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance


This unique offering provides a profound insight into your strengths and gifts, empowering you to fulfill your Earthly Mission with purpose and clarity. Discover how your innate abilities can be harnessed to make a meaningful impact in the world. Illuminate your path and embrace your mission with confidence.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance


A personalized galactic astrology experience curated by Jennifer. Surrender to the wisdom of intuition as Jennifer guides you to explore the aspect of your galactic astrology most relevant to your current journey. Trust in her intuitive insights to illuminate the path forward and unlock the hidden treasures of your cosmic blueprint. Experience the power of intuition and embark on a journey of self-discovery like never before.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance

Spirit Guides

An extraordinary journey into the realms of cosmic wisdom and guidance. Discover and connect with a diverse array of spiritual beings, including Galactic Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Spirit Animals, and more. This transformative experience offers profound insights and support from the celestial realms to empower and illuminate your path. Embark on a sacred quest to forge deep connections with your spiritual allies and unlock the wisdom of the universe. With your spirit guides,  you’ll find guidance, inspiration, and divine assistance every step of the way.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance

Soul Color

A transformative journey into the depths of your being. Uncover the vibrant hues that illuminate your soul and connect you to your higher self. These sacred colors will serve as guiding beacons, leading you towards greater self-awareness and spiritual alignment. Immerse yourself in the beauty and wisdom of your soul’s palette with this illuminating experience. Embrace the colors of your soul and embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation.

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance

Not sure what report to choose?

If you find yourself uncertain about which report suits you best, I suggest opting for the Intuitive Report, which happens to be our most popular choice. When completing your application, feel open to sharing your areas of interest, and I’ll prioritize incorporating those aspects into the report, along with other relevant insights that may resonate with you.

Deep Dive Report

Introducing our Deep Dive Report on Galactic Astrology and Quantum Soul Guidance—a transformative journey into the depths of cosmic wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. This comprehensive report offers a profound exploration of your galactic astrology chart, unveiling the secrets of your cosmic lineage, soul contracts, and spiritual journey. Delve into the intricacies of quantum soul guidance, as we uncover the hidden aspects of your consciousness and empower you to align with your highest potential.

Through a blend of intuitive insights, metaphysical principles, and astrological wisdom, this report provides unparalleled guidance and support on your path to self-discovery and self-mastery. Gain a deeper understanding of your unique gifts, challenges, and soul’s purpose, as you awaken to the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Each Deep Dive Report is meticulously crafted to offer personalized guidance and transformative insights tailored to your individual journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity on your life’s purpose, guidance through challenging times, or a deeper connection to your spiritual essence, this report will illuminate your path and empower you to embrace your truest self.

Embark on a journey of cosmic exploration and soul awakening with our Deep Dive Report on Galactic Astrology and Quantum Soul Guidance. It’s time to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and unleash the power of your soul.

If you would like additional support along the way my Online Mentoring Program might be right for you.

spirit quests apply here

Would you like to…

  • Become a Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner?
  • Study Galactic Astrology?
  • Become a part of a growing galactic community?

Julia Balaz offers an in-depth Practitioner Certification Program where she covers Galactic Astrology, Quantum Soul Guidance and more. Also available is a lovely 101 course if you simply wish to discover a bit about Galactic Astrology and share your findings with friends and family. I invite you to discover more about her amazing offerings.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you wish to ask any specific questions about my experience going through the Practitioners Certification Program – Or if you wish to receive a discount code for Julia’s course. (for a limited time)

Galactic Astrology Quantum Soul Guidance